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Characterizing Dependency Update Practice of NPM, PyPI, and Cargo Packages

Published in arxiv, 2024

We propose two dependency update metrics: Time-Out-Of-Date (TOOD) and Post-Fix-Exposure-Time (PFET), to measure the updatedness of dependencies and updatedness of vulnerable dependencies, respectively. We did a large-scale study of our proposed update metrics in NPM, PyPI, and Cargo packages.

Recommended citation: @article{rahman2024characterizing, title={Characterizing Dependency Update Practice of NPM, PyPI and Cargo Packages}, author={Rahman, Imranur and Zahan, Nusrat and Magill, Stephen and Enck, William and Williams, Laurie}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.17382}, year={2024} }
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SecureImgStego: A Keyed Shuffling-based Deep Learning Model for Secure Image Steganography

Published in 2023 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), 2023

In this study, we uncovered the inherent vulnerabilities in deep learning based steganogaphic systems, and proposed simple shuffling based solution to mitigate that.

Recommended citation: @inproceedings{chakraborty2023secureimgstego, title={SecureImgStego: A Keyed Shuffling-based Deep Learning Model for Secure Image Steganography}, author={Chakraborty, Trishna and Rahman, Imranur and Murad, Hasan and Hossain, Md Shohrab and Mehnaz, Shagufta}, booktitle={2023 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS)}, pages={1--9}, year={2023}, organization={IEEE} }
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